The Controversy of Asperger's History

These findings cast a shadow on the history of autism, already a long struggle towards accurate diagnosis.

The Controversy of Asperger's History

Welcome to AS.Social, where understanding meets empowerment in the autism community. Today, let's embark on a journey through the history of diagnostic labels, focusing particularly on Asperger's syndrome, a term that has left an indelible mark on the landscape of autism discourse.

Asperger's syndrome, named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, was once considered a distinct diagnostic category within the autism spectrum. However, its inclusion in the DSM-5 in 2013 under the umbrella term "autism spectrum disorder" marked a significant shift in how we conceptualise and diagnose autism.

Join us as we explore the origins of Asperger's syndrome, its evolution over time, and the broader implications of diagnostic labels in shaping our understanding of autism. Through this exploration, we aim to foster greater awareness, acceptance, and empowerment within the AS.Social community and beyond. Let's delve into the rich tapestry of autism history together.

As the founder of AS.Social, I've witnessed firsthand the power of understanding and embracing the diverse experiences within the autism community. The history of diagnostic labels, including Asperger's syndrome, reflects a journey marked by both progress and challenges. While diagnostic labels serve a valuable purpose in guiding research, treatment, and support efforts, they can also inadvertently contribute to stigma, stereotypes, and exclusion.

" I discovered that the further I submerged myself in the Autism community, the deeper my loss of identity became. I read articles that called to abolish the term Asperger Syndrome, through changes being made to autism testing, which felt significant as my main representation as an autistic adult " - Sam Wall, Founder A.S Social

At AS.Social, we strive to move beyond labels and focus on the individual strengths, talents, and contributions of each member of our community. Our platform is built on the principles of acceptance, inclusion, and empowerment, providing a space where individuals can connect, learn, and grow without fear of judgment or discrimination. By celebrating neurodiversity and amplifying diverse voices, we aim to create a more compassionate and understanding world for all individuals on the autism spectrum. Join us on this journey of discovery and empowerment as we navigate the complex terrain of autism history and embrace the richness of human diversity.

Sam Wall

Director, A.S Social

Honoured to guest write for the A.S Social blog.