Survival Skills for Autistic Adults in Australia

We know we will 'pay' for our social interactions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences.

Survival Skills for Autistic Adults in Australia

What does it mean to survive as an autistic in today’s world?

As autistic individuals, we are in (what seems like) a perpetual state of survival. Fight or flight is almost a constant for us. Telling us to run, or to prepare for battle. This is partly due to living in a world that is completely foreign, whilst also interacting with our environment in a way beyond the comprehension of others. Studies show that the amygdala (the emotional regulator of the brain) is not only enlarged but more active in young people who have autism. Meaning that from an earlier age than our NT peers, our brains are linking emotional to social, this can often present itself as anxiety, without a social ‘road map’ we have no reference.

Every (social) interaction is depleting, taking a toll on our physical and mental state. This leads to burnout. Not just in our autistic brains, but in all facets of our world. We know we will 'pay' for our social interactions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative experiences. Sometimes the fulfilment outweighs this depletion and it’s worth it for us. Other times, we decide to save our energy for any one of the other things that may seem too much that day.

What happens when our needs are not only met, but when they are the ‘norm'? When the world is designed for us, and the urge to run or battle subdues? Well, it gets a little easier for us to go out the door and interact with the world. When we remove the feeling of (possibly) being ostracised or outcast for our supports and social needs it eases our overall anxiety.

No longer will we have to explain to someone why we are stimming, or not looking at them, although engaged in deep conversation. These seemingly small things add up. They cost us. They make it hard.

Instead of trying to conform and make others feel more comfortable with our interactions, explaining our needs, actions or language, we can grow from a place of sheer survival to thriving.

Bewilder SURVIVAL ft. AS Social is designed with a wilderness experience provider, specifically for our community. Our intention is to challenge the norm, to push the understanding of ourselves and equip you with the skills to overcome any challenge. The first major one, being the 24hr Ecological Immersion. Hosted in a biodiverse sanctuary on the Sunshine Coast, this program will be delivered in Spring of 2024. Enquire directly via email.

Sam Wall

Director, A.S Social

Honoured to guest write for the A.S Social blog.